Art of Asia Healing Medicine | |
- Acupuncture & Herbal Treatment - |
We use Japanese very fine needles and special tequnics that is quite harmless and stimulate your body superficially and gently for our treatment. Many patiants may not even feel the neeles and some are sleeping during the treatment.
We will accept many different types of helth insurance. However, the coverage is depend on the insurance company. Please letl us know the name of your insurance company before the treatment by phone or on the first visit.
The following is a list of health conditions commonly treated by licensed acupunctrists.
*Referred by A Consumers Guide to Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine published by California Department of Consumer affairs Acupuncture Board.
Our Herbal Treatment use mostly plants, including seeds, stems, fruits, roots, and leaves. Because of the natural materials, it typically has much gentler effects than western medicines.